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80 For Brady

Directed by Kyle Marvin


Kelly  grade 9


I would rate this movie a 5/5.  This movie is about 4 long time friends who love the game of football.  They gather every year to watch the Superbowl playoffs.  Another playoff is coming up soon and one of the girls in the friend group bought tickets for all four of them as a surprise.  My favourite character is Maura because out of all four of them she is the most humorous and wittiest person.  She is also quite fun and has the best reactions.  My favourite part of this hilarious and wholesome movie was when they went to a party and this young lady gave them special gummy bears, but they didn’t know that they were special gummy bears so they ate the whole bag.  My least favourite part was near the ending, when Lou told her friends about the bad news.  The movie was a good length of time for a movie which adds to my liking for it.  I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone who likes a great comedy movie and who loves to laugh.  This movie is uplifting and inspiring and although I am not really interested in football and the Super Bowl, the movie kept me on the edge of my seat and excited to see more.  I first saw this movie in the theater and have rented it a couple times since it was released, so you can imagine how excited I am to review this movie.  I recommended it for everyone ages 12 and up.  It’s a must see, especially if you like sports. 


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