
Looking for inspiration for your next read, movie, or video game? Here are some suggestions from our Teen Reviewers.

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Hackers is a movie centred around a very technologically gifted young man and his group of likeminded hackers. At the start, right off the bat we see that the main character is arrested, at a very young age, for online criminal activity. The plot then progresses and reveals the main character at a much later age, who has just started his first day at a new school. There, he meets several people with interest in viruses and hacks, and he begins to hang out with them. The main character and his romantic interest enter a competition to see who is the better hacker, however this cuts short as they are being threatened by an elite hacker in order to join their nefarious schemes and become the bait for their plans. Through a long journey they eventually defeat the hacker and their deadly virus, and it’s determined that the main character is the winner of the competition between his love interest. They then get together, and the world is free of treacherous hacks. 

In my personal opinion, this movie stretched on a lot more than I felt was necessary. A lot of themes involved repetitive scenes that did not really serve the plot. More obvious notes is the terminology and stereotypical behaviour that is well outdated as of now, and the poor audio and video quality, which is both to be expected of a 1995 movie. However, there were some interesting graphic cyber illustrations displayed throughout the movie that made it enjoyable to watch. Although it did not behave in any way realistically, it was a unique visual to how futuristic technology was viewed back then, and some historical notes can be made. I would personally rate this movie a 2/5 simply for its interesting visual displays.


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