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The Karate Kid Part III

Directed By: John G. Avildsen

Alyssa- Grade 12



This movie follows part two of the Karate Kid franchise, as well as becoming the last movie of the original trilogy. The plot of this movie surrounds the aftermath of the fall of John Kreese (Sensei of Cobra Kai) and his dojo. He calls in an old friend back from his time in the war named Terry Silver, stating that he wants to defeat Daniel Larusso for the first time. This encourages Terry to call in some people that might be able to complete their mission of beating the two-time champion of the All-Valley Tournament. Like all of the members in Cobra Kai, Terry and Kreese push the boundaries between Daniel and Mr. Miyagi and their relationship throughout the movie. Karate Kid Part III focuses on how Daniel can persevere the manipulation of all the members of the new Cobra Kai trying to bring him down. Will he get lost on the way and forget his roots? Or will he stick to what he knows best and show the new Cobra Kai that physical strength isn’t the true meaning of karate? This story is filled with as much action as the previous two movies, with outstanding stunts and action sequences.

In my opinion, The Karate Kid Part III is probably my least favourite of the trilogy. As much as I did enjoy this movie, I found that at times the plot was not as good as the other two movies, or that some scenes/moments felt very forced between certain characters. I found that this movie did not have the same romance and humour as the other two movies did. I would still recommend watching this movie especially if you are a big fan of this franchise or if you are planning on watching Cobra Kai on Netflix. This movie rating is PG, as some action scenes may be frightening for small children.


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