Suggest a Title

Suggest the purchase of a book, DVD, or other material

We welcome suggestions for purchase for titles that we don’t currently have in our collection.

Not yet published: Please wait until the publication date to make your request. We buy popular titles in most formats, and they’ll show in our catalogue shortly before the publication date.

Published within the last 12 months: You can suggest books, DVDs, Books on CD, magazines or music CDs for purchase using the form below.

Older than 12 months: Try our Interlibrary Loan service - we may be able to borrow it from another library.

Suggesting ebooks and eaudio (downloadable audiobooks):  The Library is only able to purchase ebooks and eaudiobooks through cloudLibrary.  If a title is not available in this platform, we are not able to purchase it.  Each cloudLibrary account may submit up to two suggestions for purchase of ebook/eaudiobook titles every 30 days. Learn more about how to Suggest an e-Book or e-Audiobook

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