Multilingual Collection

The Barrie Public Library is pleased to offer a large multilingual collection of books, DVDs, magazines, music and more.

These materials are available at both branches, with the larger collection available at our Downtown Branch.  Books, magazines and DVDs can be transferred between branches and may be returned to whichever branch is convenient for you.  We also have e-resources that can be accessed anywhere, any time, with your library card.

Adult Collection

Our adult multilingual and French collections consist of fiction and non-fiction books, DVDs and magazines in a variety of languages, including French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Urdu and Vietnamese. Not all languages have all 3 item types. 

Children’s Collection

Our Children’s collection contains books in French, Arabic, Chinese, German, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Ukrainian, and Urdu.

Digital Library - Multilingual Resources

Language Learning

Transparent Language - Learn 100+ languages through interactive lessons and activities, including Spanish, English, French, German, Korean, Ojibwe, American Sign Language.
Includes several languages with 'Kidspeak' lessons aimed at younger learners.

Mauril - Learn or improve your English or French using material from CBC and Radio-Canada.

French Language Resources

AlphaNumérique - AlphaNumérique est un projet national destiné aux citoyens du Québec, aux nouveaux arrivants et aux citoyens francophones du Canada. L’objectif est de leur offrir gratuitement la possibilité d’acquérir les compétences fondamentales en littératie numérique pour mieux naviguer dans notre société numérique.

Cantook Libraries - Vous y trouverez des œuvres de fiction pour les adultes, ados, et enfants – albums, bandes-dessinées, et romans ainsi que des documentaires d’intérêt général.

L'espace Radio-Canada - Découvrez contenus numériques uniques et gratuits: info, audio, vidéo, jeunesse, application d’apprentissage linguistique et bien plus encore. Offre de contenus en français, en anglais et dans d’autres langues.

Santé en Français - Fournit des rapports faciles à lire avec des renseignements scientifiquement fondés dans le domaine de la santé.

Tumble Biblio Enfants - Elle inclut des livres pour enfants, des romans jeunesse, des romans classique, des vidéos, des casse têtes et jeux, des nouvelles graphiques et des livres en d’autres langues comme en espagnol et en anglais.

 Multilingual Language Resources

Brainfuse HelpNow - Brainfuse HelpNow connects people who want to learn with experts who love to teach! This amazing resource includes LIVE online tutoring for Kindergarten up to post-secondary, Adult Learner resources, test prep, and more. Live tutoring is available daily from 2pm - 11pm.

Getting Started Guide

CloudLibrary ebooks and e-audiobooks - Borrow popular and bestselling eBooks and audiobooks in English, French, Chinese, German, Russian, and Spanish.

Printable Help Guides | Video Tutorial 

CloudLibrary NewsStand - Read thousands of full-colour e-magazines and newspapers covering a variety of topics and interests. Titles are available from many countries and in a host of languages.  Magazines can be read in a web browser or downloaded to a mobile app.

Video Tutorial | Printable Getting Started Guides

Hoopla - Borrow popular and bestselling eBooks and audiobooks in English, French and Spanish.

Printable Help Guide Video Tutorial

PressReader - Delivers full-colour, full-page images of over 6,000 newspapers and magazines from 120 countries in 60 languages the day they hit the newsstands.  Archives of up to 60 days are available as well as today's papers.  Advanced features include setting up your own collection of preferred titles, the option to join the conversation and comment on articles, automated translation, and the ability to listen to articles.  Includes the Barrie Examiner, Globe and Mail, National Post, Toronto Star, and many more Canadian and International titles. 

Video Tutorial | Printable Getting Started Guide

About Our Collection

The languages chosen represent some of the most popular languages other than English spoken in Barrie and Oro-Medonte. If you have any questions about our multilingual and French collections, please contact us through Ask Us.

Learn more about our French collection and resources.