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Lore By Alexander Bracken

Jasmine, Grade 9

The Agon is a hunt that happens every seven years. It is a punishment for nine of the Greek gods that rebelled against Zeus in the past. The gods are turned mortal for seven days and are hunted by descendents of ancient blood lines. Lore Perseous tried to leave that world behind her after the last Agon. But just after the Agon starts, she is contacted by Castor, a childhood friend, and Athena, the goddess of Wisdom, who is injured. Despite her best efforts Lore is pulled back into the world that took so much from her. Working with Castor and Athena, Lore works to end the Agon forever. But secrets, allegiances and the Agon threaten to break the fragile relationships that Lore has made.

    “Lore” was a great read. I really enjoyed the plot and world that was created. The mythology was well researched and was implemented into the world seamlessly. The mythology added to the story without taking away from any other aspects of the plot. You don't need to know any Greek mythology before reading. “Lore” is filled with amazing characters who you will love by the time you finish reading. I love watching Lore change over the course of the story. The plot is interesting and creative, filled with actions while still leaving room for character development. If you like mythology or fantasy, you would love “Lore”. It will keep you guessing till the last page. A great recommendation for any fantasy reader. I give this book 4/5. 


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