
Looking for inspiration for your next read, movie, or video game? Here are some suggestions from our Teen Reviewers.

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This book contains wonderfully written and relatable content. It starts off with making funny jokes about everyday things and beautifully using symbolization in the right ways. The symbol I like the most is the bunny that appears often in the comic. It seems to be a helpful consciousness in her brain that cheers her up and encourages her to stop her bad habits.

  It compares and contacts a lot of topics frequently. I think it is an interesting way to state opinions. It is very clever with the way situations are acted out. Not a single page goes by where I think, “ah, this is me”. It feels as though I am the one who drew the comic. It makes slight remarks at issues like depression, body positivity, self-esteem issues and others of the sort. This allows readers suffering with those issues to reside with the author and feel like they are not alone with their thoughts. However, not only does it do this, but it also gives advice on how to deal with things like that from the author’s personal experience. The advice allows readers to work on themselves and self-reflect. It persuades readers to not be so careful, and to try new things. Overall, I believe that it teaches readers to be more comfortable with themselves.

 As far as the whole series goes, I think it has improved from the first comic. It has more depth to it and now I not only laugh and relate, I also feel the need to heed the author’s advice. I see more meaning behind the panels and I think the audience the author is targeting will learn a thing or two from it. I feel as though I have heard from the author herself, and not just from her character. The quality is definitely great, and worth reading.


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