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 Title: Full House
Author: George R.R. Martin
Reviewer: Neil 
Rated: 3/5
Full House by George R.R. Martin is a collection of short stories. It contains three novellas and one short story set in the Wild Cards universe. The novel is part of the Wild Cards series, a shared universe of science fiction stories.

The first novella, "The Sleeper," tells the story of Croyd Crenson, also known as the Sleeper, who is infected with a virus that changes his appearance every time he sleeps. "Pokerface," the second novella, is about a poker game played by a group of the Wild Cards' most dangerous aces. "The Long, Dark Night of Fortunato," the third novella, tells the story of Fortunato, a powerful ace held captive by a secret organisation and experimented on. "The Dealer's Choice," the final short story, is about a man named Marcus who gains the ability to control luck and uses it to become a successful gambler.
While Full House is not Martin's best work, it is still worth reading for fans of the Wild Cards universe. The stories are well written and exciting, with enough twists and turns to keep readers engaged. However, the book lacks the depth and complexity of Martin's other works, such as A Song of Ice and Fire. The characters are not as well developed, and the themes are not as interesting.  

Full House by George R.R. Martin is a collection of short stories. It contains three novellas and one short story set in the Wild Cards universe. The novel is part of the Wild Cards series, a shared universe of science fiction stories.
The first novella, "The Sleeper," tells the story of Croyd Crenson, also known as the Sleeper, who is infected with a virus that changes his appearance every time he sleeps. "Pokerface," the second novella, is about a poker game played by a group of the Wild Cards' most dangerous aces. "The Long, Dark Night of Fortunato," the third novella, tells the story of Fortunato, a powerful ace held captive by a secret organization and experimented on. "The Dealer's Choice," the final short story, is about a man named Marcus who gains the ability to control luck and uses it to become a successful gambler.

While Full House is not Martin's best work, it is still worth reading for fans of the Wild Cards universe. The stories are well-written and exciting, with enough twists and turn to keep readers engaged. However, the book lacks the depth and complexity of Martin's other works, such as A Song of Ice and Fire. The characters are not as well developed, and the themes are not as interesting. 


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