
Looking for inspiration for your next read, movie, or video game? Here are some suggestions from our Teen Reviewers.

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I will rate this book 5/5 as it was very exciting, intense, and a book that is very difficult to put down.


The others have come from another planet down to earth to take it as their home from the humans. To achieve this, they send waves of deadly phenomena down to earth to eradicate all of the people from its surface. The first wave they wipe out the electricity, the second wave they send tsunamis to destroy the coasts, the third wave they send a deadly disease, and the fourth wave they come down and hunt. The carnage is everywhere, bodies piled up in the streets full of plague, bird like drones hunting, and buildings on their sides. A teenager named Cassie Sullivan is one of the last humans left on earth biding her time until what? She doesn’t know. Her mother was killed by the plague, her father was killed when they raided her camp, and her brother was taken away to the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. As of now, she is in a forest with her brother Sammy’s stuffed bear and her M-16. Her plan is to head down to the Base to find Sammy, but we all know how plans go in a world where a friend may be an enemy.

I would recommend this book to anyone 13+ and into sci-fi/fantasy. Some similar books to the Fifth Wave are the Hunger Games, Divergent by Veronica Roth, and Delirium by Lauren Oliver. It was overall very well written from a first-person perspective, placing you into the story and making it seem like you were there as the events were unfolding. Another bonus is that it is the first book in a series and there is a movie made for it.




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