
Looking for inspiration for your next read, movie, or video game? Here are some suggestions from our Teen Reviewers.

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Macbeth is a culturally relevant play written by Shakespeare. It tells many different themes and lessons, namely the fallacy of destiny and the corruption that power brings. The play follows Macbeth, a Scottish noble inline to the Swedish throne. He meets two witches who tell him of a prophecy, that he is destined to become King of Scotland. However, in a cruel twist, the witches explain that although Macbeth is to be king, none of his offspring will inherit the throne. As a result, the play revolves around Macbeth’s obsession over this “destiny”, as he begins killing more and more people in a bid to secure his throne. However, his actions begin to take a toll on his psyche, as in some of the greatest lines in English literature, Shakespeare describes his mental downfall in dramatic dialogue. Macbeth’s mental decline is a key aspect of the play, and it spurs many questions on whether he is a tragic villain or a cold-blooded tyrant. Furthermore, the play subverts the standard trope of glorious kings. Macbeth killed many people, but isn’t that the same for all great kings? This fundamental question is the lasting legacy of the play and is subject to many dissenting opinions and arguments. Aside from the plot, the play is an easy read, and in my opinion, is far more interesting than the romantic plays that Shakespeare wrote. With all said, I give this play a 5/5 ranking for its cultural significance and interesting plot and characters. 


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