
Looking for inspiration for your next read, movie, or video game? Here are some suggestions from our Teen Reviewers.

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Nancy Drew is this amazingly talented young lady of 18 years old. Not only is Nancy skilled, but she is kind, curious, thoughtful, professional, clever and an amateur detective. She currently lives with her father (Carson Drew, a Criminal Lawyer,) and her House-Keeper (Hannah Gruen) ever since her mother sorrowfully and sadly passed away when Nancy was only a child of 3 years old. Ever since Nancy was young she loved solving mysteries whenever she could assist. She actually helps her Father with his special, criminal cases and helps by giving her suggestions and input into the situation. Nancy Drew’s first mystery took place way back and it involved the secret components/contents in an old clock, and ever since, Nancy has been asked numerous times to aid others get to the bottom of their enigmas. In this mystery, it takes place in Nancy’s hometown (River Heights). She and her special friend (Ned Nickerson) attend a lavish and wealthy masquerade party at the Hendricks’ estate. While being a part of this junction, Nancy and her date spy on a man wearing a long black cloak, and a woman wearing an exotic costume. They suspect/assume that this pair could be a group of thieves who sneak into expensive parties and steal valuables such as artwork, jewellery and special objects. To get to the bottom of this puzzle, Nancy and her friend (George Fayne) have to work together to uncover all of their questions and suspicions. I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in puzzles, riddles and mysteries. I really enjoyed reading this book. 


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