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Three Little Pigs is an old classic novel book. The book was created by David Wiesner and it was a great book because the picture or the drawing of the book looks more realistic like a cartoon than another novel and it was very easy to read because every text of the book is short and a book actually fun to read.

The story is about three little pigs who are in the middle of nowhere one day. They decide to build their own house. The first little pig used a straw to build a house because it is easy  and does not take too long to build. The second little pig used a stick to build a house because it is stable and easy but takes little bit time to build.The third little pig used a bridge to build a house because it looked strong and more stable but it was too long and hard to build a house. After a long day of working the third little pig finished building their own house but something is not right. One day a big bad wolf saw a three little pig and decided to find the way to eat that little pig. The wolf ran to them and the three little pigs were scared and ran inside their own house. The wolf ran to first house that make with straw the wolf ask the pig “ Can I come inside please ”  The first little pig say “ No” and the wolf decide to destroyed the by using his mouth and blow the house that make with straw and the house was destroyed. The first pig was scared and ran to the house with a stick. The wolf ran to the stick house and asked the same question and the two pigs said “NO” so the wolf blew the stick house and the house was destroyed and both pigs were scared so they ran to the house that they made with a bridge.The wolf went their bridge and ask the same question and the three pigs said “NO” so the decide to blow the house again but this time the house was not destroy because the house was too strong. The wolf tried too many times to blow the bridge but nothing happend so the wolf decided to climb to the roof and climb down the chimney but it was too late. The three pigs knew that they were trying to climb down on the chimney so they put the fire on the wolf and the wolf was dead. A few day later the three pigs decide to live together in a bridge house and celabreting happy ending.

The story of The three little pigs teaches the kid and adult that hard work and perseverance pay off, and that preparation is necessary for success.


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