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Computers & Printing


Computers at all locations are available to library cardholders for up to 5 hours each day. Our public computers have Microsoft Word, Publisher and Excel. 

All computers have assistive technology to help patrons use our computers. This includes the Morphic Toolbar, HelperBird Dyslexia Software, OpenDyslexic font, NVDA screen reader and large print keyboards. See the Accessible Services page on this website for more details or our Assistive Technology at BPL how-to guide.

Internet Guest Cards are available for those that only want to use our public computers but don't have a library card. All users must agree to the terms of our Public Internet and Computer Use Policy.


Wi-Fi is available for free throughout and around our buildings during open hours. There is no password – just connect to the Barrie Public Library network and accept the user agreement.

Photocopying, Printing & Scanning

Photocopying and printing are available in black & white or colour at a cost of 20 cents per page.

Scanning to email is also available at all locations.

For how-to guides covering all devices, visit the Photocopying and Printing guides.

Wireless & Remote Printing

Print from your own device, either within the library or remotely. Printing is available in black & white or colour at a cost of 20 cents per page.

How to send files to the Print Portal

  1. What do you want to print?
    Find one or more files on your computer or device that you want to print. 

  2. Upload one or more files
    Click the link below and follow the on-screen instructions.
    Each file can be a maximum of 100 MB.
    (If you are using an Android device and are unable to upload files through Chrome, please try another browser such as Firefox or Edge)

    Go to the Online Print Portal

  3. How do you want to print it?
    Select number of copies, page range, greyscale or colour and other settings.
    The item waits in the library's printing system without being printed

  4. Go get your prints!
    Once your file is submitted, go to any library branch within 24 hours to print the file from a print kiosk. Staff can help you with this process.
    After 24 hours print jobs are automatically deleted from the system.

How to Send Files by Email

You can send your files to be printed by email, instead of using the Web Portal.
The email message and any attached files will show up as separate files for printing at the library.
This method is a good way to remotely print an email message, or only the attached files.

See our guide for Sending Print Jobs by Email for more details.

For how-to guides covering all devices, visit the Photocopying and Printing guides.

Need help?

Learn more with detailed printable guides, or tutorials and video walkthroughs at our Digital Library Academy. You can also call us at 705-728-1010 or email and our staff will be happy to help.