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Libby Magazines
OpenBrowse thousands of online magazines covering a wide variety of interests, from entertainment and sports to lifestyle, business and technology.
OpenCloudLibrary is your main source of eBooks, eAudiobooks and magazines. Browse thousands of titles for adults, teens, and children and download to a mobile device, computer or eReader.
Search our online catalogue for titles the library owns.
Or search through the mobile app or CloudLibrary website for a wider range of titles from our partner libraries.

READ | E-books, newspapers, magazines, articles and more
Ancestry Library
In Library OnlyLooking to find your roots? Search genealogical records for Canada, the U.S. and the U.K., including census, vital statistics, church, court and immigration records.
Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive
OpenFull text articles articles from Barrie news sources from 1847 onward. Also contains an index of births, marriages and deaths as they appeared in local newspapers.
Some gaps in online coverage exist due to missing or damaged original pages.
Historical newspapers from elsewhere in Ontario can be found at: Ontario Community Newspaper Portal.
BPL Digital Library Academy
OpenGetting Started and 'how-to' guides for online library resources.
Features tips and troubleshooting for eBooks, getting started with online databases like SimplyAnalytics or Ancestry and tutorials on common tools like Email and Zoom.
For personalized Tech Coach sessions register in our online events calendar.
Canadian Headstones
OpenFind images and transcriptions of headstones from Canadian cemeteries. Records are all hosted and stored exclusively in Canada.
Dictionary of Canadian Biography
OpenThe Dictionary of Canadian Biography/Dictionnaire biographique du Canada (DCB/DBC) contains 8,500 biographies. This includes the complete contents of volumes I to XV, revealing the life stories of Canadians covering the years 1000 to 1930.
OpenFamilySearch is a resource for genealogical data from a wide variety of countries, including census, birth/marriage/death records, military and probate records. It allows you to create your own family tree online and search those of other users.
Barrie Public Library is a FamilySearch Affiliate Library, which allows users within a library branch to access over 350 million otherwise restricted images.
This resource requires users to register for a free account.
Globe and Mail Historical Newspapers
OpenFull page images of the Globe and Mail from 1844 - four years from the present date. Easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.
Settlers Database
OpenAn online searchable database containing information about settlers and early residents of Simcoe County as recorded in a number of sources.
Originally named the 'Simcoe County Surname Settlers Database'.
Toronto Star Historical Newspapers
OpenFull page images of the Toronto Star from 1894 - three years from the present date. Easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.