


A collection of over 1,200 streaming audiobook titles including a variety of genres and interest levels.

BPL Digital Library Academy


Getting Started and 'how-to' guides for online library resources.
Features tips and troubleshooting for eBooks, getting started with online databases like SimplyAnalytics or Ancestry and tutorials on common tools like Email and Zoom.

For personalized Tech Coach sessions register in our online events calendar.

Getting Started Guide

Cantook Libraries


Vous y trouverez des œuvres de fiction pour les adultes, ados, et enfants – albums, bandes-dessinées, et romans ainsi que des documentaires d’intérêt général.

Guide d'aide  |  Getting Started Guide | Printable Guides

CBC Corner


Discover the best Canadian shows, stories & more. This digital portal allows you to discover trusted news, entertaining TV and radio shows, education kids content, news in foreign languages and much more!

See French content at: L'espace Radio-Canada.

Getting Started Guide

Centre for Equitable Library Access (CELA)


Audio and braille items for anyone who has a visual, physical, or learning disability that prevents them from reading conventional print.
Enjoy books, magazines, newspapers and described videos in a variety of formats including audio, e-text, downloadable, and braille formats.

To set up an account with CELA, please ask staff for assistance. A Barrie Public Library membership is also required.



CloudLibrary is your main source of eBooks, eAudiobooks and magazines. Browse thousands of titles for adults, teens, and children and download to a mobile device, computer or eReader.

Search our online catalogue for titles the library owns.
Or search through the mobile app or CloudLibrary website for a wider range of titles from our partner libraries.

CloudLibrary FAQs

Getting Started Guide | Printable Guides | Mobile Apps



Stream or download music, movies, and TV shows directly to your computer or mobile device. Hoopla also contains eBooks, eAudiobooks and comics.

Borrow titles individually or use a BingePass to gain access to a whole collection using just one borrow.

Getting Started Guide | Printable Guide | Mobile Apps

L'espace Radio-Canada


Découvrez contenus numériques uniques et gratuits: info, audio, vidéo, jeunesse, application d’apprentissage linguistique et bien plus encore. Offre de contenus en français, en anglais et dans
d’autres langues.

Pour contenus en anglais clickez: CBC Corner.

Guide d'aide



A collection of over 1,000 Graphic Novels, enhanced novels with full audio narration and highlighted text, eBooks, classic literature, drama and poetry. Also has National Geographic videos, educator resources and audiobooks. Aimed at Grades 7 – 12, available online, 24/7.

Getting Started Guide

Mobile Apps (Android or iOS)

Tumble Biblio Enfants


Elle inclut des livres pour enfants, des romans jeunesse, des romans classique, des vidéos, des casse têtes et jeux, des nouvelles graphiques et des livres en d’autres langues comme en espagnol et en anglais.

TumbleBook Library


A collection of eBooks, eAudiobooks, puzzles and videos for kids in Grades K – 6. Includes early reader chapter books, children's classics and National Geographic videos.

Available in English, French and Spanish.

Getting Started Guide

SimplyAnalytics is Only Available in the Library during Open Hours. Please access SimplyAnalytics from inside the library at this time.

SimplyAnalytics is Only Available in the Library during Open Hours. Please access SimplyAnalytics from inside the library at this time.