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Academic OneFile


Access to over 9000 full text journals and newspapers covering business, science, medicine, and engineering.

This online resource is a good source of academic and scholarly information. Includes Gale Encyclopedia of Science and Encyclopedia of World Biography.

Getting Started Guide



Accédez des formations autonomes en littératie numérique et des exercices interactifs adaptés à votre niveau, accompagnés de fiches résumant les notions à connaître pour vous sentir plus à l’aise dans l’univers du digital.

Ancestry Library

In Library Only

Looking to find your roots?  Search genealogical records for Canada, the U.S. and the U.K., including census, vital statistics, church, court and immigration records.

Getting Started Guide



ArtistWorks is a collection of online video lessons helping you to learn a musical instrument, musical style and some vocal training.

To log in click the Open button above, then click Get a Pass. Enter your card number and PIN, then Continue.

Getting Started Guide



A collection of over 1,200 streaming audiobook titles including a variety of genres and interest levels.

Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive


Full text articles articles from Barrie news sources from 1847 onward. Also contains an index of births, marriages and deaths as they appeared in local newspapers.
Some gaps in online coverage exist due to missing or damaged original pages.

Historical newspapers from elsewhere in Ontario can be found at: Ontario Community Newspaper Portal.

Getting Started Guide

Barrie Public Library eJournals A-Z


Find newspapers, magazines, academic and trade journals from across Barrie Public Library's online resources (excludes PressReader, CloudLibrary NewsStand and Libby Magazines).

Once you have found a journal title, click the link to its home database near the bottom of the page.

Books and Authors


Looking for what to read next? Get expert book recommendations and reading lists pulled from 'What Do I Read Next? Online', a continuously updated resource on books and authors.

Browse by author, genre, or title, or look through the expert picks and award winners.

BPL Digital Library Academy


Getting Started and 'how-to' guides for online library resources.
Features tips and troubleshooting for eBooks, getting started with online databases like SimplyAnalytics or Ancestry and tutorials on common tools like Email and Zoom.

For personalized Tech Coach sessions register in our online events calendar.

Getting Started Guide

BPL Program Portal


The home for Barrie Public Library's online programs, such as storytimes, reading tips , kids activities and genealogy tips.

To register for programs and find out what's coming up see our online events calendar.

Getting Started Guide

BPL Program Portal - Business


The Business page of our Program Portal hosts programs such as:

- Business Plan Basics (free Niche Academy account required)
- Start Your Business Basics (free Niche Academy account required)

Register for upcoming business programs on the Events Calendar.

Brainfuse HelpNow


Get live online study help from a professional tutor (disponible en français).
Ask questions or use the extensive library of lessons, practice tests and study aids on academic subjects from Kindergarten to post-secondary. Receive advice on writing style and live help with English and French language learning.

Adults can also find learning and career resources. These include resume writing, Microsoft Office help and preparation for the Canadian citizenship test.

Getting Started Guide | Mobile Apps (Android or iOS)

Business eBook Collection


A collection of online eBooks covering a variety of business and e-commerce topics.  Also includes the Business Plans Handbooks series that provides sample business plans for a variety of manufacturing, retail, and service industries. 

Other topics in the Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) are also available through this link.

Canadian Headstones


Find images and transcriptions of headstones from Canadian cemeteries. Records are all hosted and stored exclusively in Canada.

Canadian Points of View Reference Source


Analyses of current issues in the news. Includes essays, radio transcripts, and magazine and newspaper articles that present both sides of the issue.

Cantook Libraries


Vous y trouverez des œuvres de fiction pour les adultes, ados, et enfants – albums, bandes-dessinées, et romans ainsi que des documentaires d’intérêt général.

Guide d'aide  |  Getting Started Guide | Printable Guides

CBC Corner


Discover the best Canadian shows, stories & more. This digital portal allows you to discover trusted news, entertaining TV and radio shows, education kids content, news in foreign languages and much more!

See French content at: L'espace Radio-Canada.

Getting Started Guide

Centre for Equitable Library Access (CELA)


Audio and braille items for anyone who has a visual, physical, or learning disability that prevents them from reading conventional print.
Enjoy books, magazines, newspapers and described videos in a variety of formats including audio, e-text, downloadable, and braille formats.

To set up an account with CELA, please ask staff for assistance. A Barrie Public Library membership is also required.



CloudLibrary is your main source of eBooks, eAudiobooks and magazines. Browse thousands of titles for adults, teens, and children and download to a mobile device, computer or eReader.

Search our online catalogue for titles the library owns.
Or search through the mobile app or CloudLibrary website for a wider range of titles from our partner libraries.

CloudLibrary FAQs

Getting Started Guide | Printable Guides | Mobile Apps

CloudLibrary NewsStand


Read thousands of full-colour eMagazines and newspapers covering a variety of topics and interests. Titles are available from many countries and in a host of languages.

Magazines can be read in a web browser or downloaded to a mobile app.

Getting Started Guide | Printable Guides |

Mobile Apps (Android or iOS)

Consumer Health Complete


Comprehensive health and wellness information for patients and non-experts.
Search or browse by topic and get full-text articles, fact sheets and reports from a range of medical and alternative sources. Also features a directory of drugs, herbal and nutritional supplements.

Getting Started Guide

County of Simcoe Data Portal


Local and customized data covering social & demographic information from the census, immigration data and real-time data on shelter utilization & system flow.

A great resource for research on who and how people are living in Barrie and Simcoe County .



Watch and learn from award-winning art and craft video classes taught by recognized design experts and artists. This includes sewing, quilting, jewellery making, recipes, Cricut projects and much more. You can also watch Creativebug TV for inspiration and entertainment!

Getting Started Guide | Printable Guide



Stream audio and video from CBC and Radio-Canada. You’ll find documentaries from TV and radio, news reports and more. Includes National Geographic Channel and BBC Documentaries.

Due to subscription restrictions videos may not screened in a classroom setting.

Dictionary of Canadian Biography


The Dictionary of Canadian Biography/Dictionnaire biographique du Canada (DCB/DBC) contains 8,500 biographies. This includes the complete contents of volumes I to XV, revealing the life stories of Canadians covering the years 1000 to 1930.

EBSCO Explora - Magazines & Journals


Full-text articles from magazines, journal articles, news, biographies and other sources. Explore current events, history, health and more.

Explora searches across multiple databases including MasterFILE Premier (including Consumer Reports & Consumer Reports Buying Guide), Canadian Points of View, Canadian Reference Centre, Consumer Health Complete and Primary Search.

Getting Started Guide



FamilySearch is a resource for genealogical data from a wide variety of countries, including census, birth/marriage/death records, military and probate records. It allows you to create your own family tree online and search those of other users.

Barrie Public Library is a FamilySearch Affiliate Library, which allows users within a library branch to access over 350 million otherwise restricted images.

This resource requires users to register for a free account.

Getting Started Guide

Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia


For students and adults alike, the Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia database indexes over 25,000 records, covering an array of topics. Find images, brief biographies and information in a variety of subject areas.

Getting Started Guide


Online driver education program containing the following Ontario-specific information: 6 G1 practice tests for cars, 1 M1 practice test for motorcycles; 1 G1 test simulator (cars), 1 M1 test simulator (motorcycle); an FAQ section with detailed answers to 100+ MTO-related questions. A great companion to the MTO driver's handbook. Other MTO handbooks are available online.

Gale eBooks


Handbooks, encyclopedias and other publications covering popular subjects. From Who Discovered DNA to Folktales, Fairy Tales and Encyclopedia of World Biography. You’ll find a variety of interesting reads.

Formerly named Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL).

Getting Started Guide

Gale eBooks - Health & Medicine


A collection of online ebooks covering a variety of health topics including in-depth resources for both physical and mental health.  Examples include Genetic Disorders, Children's Health, Senior Health, Alternative Medicine, Encyclopedia of Drugs, Diets, Surgery & Medical Tests, Cancer, and Pregnancy & Childbirth.

Gale eBooks - Kids


Full-text encyclopedia articles to help younger students with research and homework assignments.

Gale Literature


Discover biographies, reviews, criticisms, and overviews. Search modern novelists, poems, and short stories.

This resource incorporates Literature Criticism Online and Something About the Author.

Gale PowerSearch - Magazines & Journals


Discover a collection of scholarly journals, newspapers and reference content. Use the Topic Finder to explore new topics or keywords related to your search.

Searches across multiple databases including Academic OneFile, Popular Magazines and Gale e-Books.

Globe and Mail Historical Newspapers


Full page images of the Globe and Mail from 1844 - four years from the present date. Easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.

Getting Started Guide

Government of Canada Web Archive


Canadian web content collected and preserved by Library and Archives Canada. This includes Government of Canada information published on the web since 2005, such as old versions of departmental websites. You can also find the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Web Archive and official COVID-19 pandemic websites.

Home Improvement Source


Find full-text content from leading home improvement magazines and reference books, plus a collection of helpful images.



Stream or download music, movies, and TV shows directly to your computer or mobile device. Hoopla also contains eBooks, eAudiobooks and comics.

Borrow titles individually or use a BingePass to gain access to a whole collection using just one borrow.

Getting Started Guide | Printable Guide | Mobile Apps

Information Barrie Community Directory


Includes information about non-profit agencies, government offices, health services, clubs and special interest organizations, volunteer opportunities, daycare services, support groups and listings for many private counsellors and counselling services in the Barrie area.

Also includes sub-sections for local community food programs and volunteer opportunities.

Getting Started Guides

L'espace Radio-Canada


Découvrez contenus numériques uniques et gratuits: info, audio, vidéo, jeunesse, application d’apprentissage linguistique et bien plus encore. Offre de contenus en français, en anglais et dans
d’autres langues.

Pour contenus en anglais clickez: CBC Corner.

Guide d'aide



Chrome browser only. Create, modify, and save legal documents for personal and business use. LawDepot builds the form and puts your information into the proper places in the document. Includes wills, powers of attorney, leases, employment or service contracts, partnership forms, separation or confidentiality agreements and more.

- Please use the Chrome web browser to ensure you can freely download and print documents.

- To log in click the Open button above, then click Get a Pass. Enter your card number and PIN, then Continue.

- For Canadian legal forms, switch to the Canadian version of LawDepot using the Flag Drop-Down. This can be found either at the top right of the screen or at the bottom, for smaller screens.

Getting Started Guide

Libby Magazines


Browse thousands of online magazines covering a wide variety of interests, from entertainment and sports to lifestyle, business and technology.

Getting Started Guide | Printable Guide | Mobile Apps

LinkedIn Learning


Learn a new skill online, on your time. Over 16,000 video courses in Business, Technology and Creative Skills taught by industry experts.

Mobile App Users: You will be asked for a Library ID (barrielibrary) or email when you log into the mobile app.
Our Library ID is barrielibrary. Enter this as a response to either request.

Getting Started Guide | Printable Guides



Improve your French or English language skills with audio and video content from CBC and Radio-Canada. Video and audio clips give learners exposure to Canada’s diverse cultural landscape. Courtesy of CBC Corner.

Mobile apps for iOS and Android.

MERCK Manual


One of the world’s most widely used medical information resources. The manuals contain information on medical topics, symptoms, drugs, procedures, news, videos, self-assessment tools and a guide to medical terminology.

NFB Education


The National Film Board’s video streaming service for schools and libraries. Watch Canadian educational films, documentaries, interactive productions and utilise online teaching tools.

Our subscription focuses on the educational films - some other films and resources on the site may not be freely available.

NoveList K-8 Plus


Recommended reads and suggested authors for teens, ages 9-12 and ages 0-8. Find out about popular fiction and nonfiction books and series for younger readers.

NoveList Plus


Recommended reads and suggested authors for adults, teens, and kids. Browse popular fiction and nonfiction books and series by genre, read-alikes and what your reading ‘mood’ is.

Getting Started Guide

Oxford Reference Online


Reference titles from Oxford University Press. Includes the Canadian Oxford Dictionary, Oxford Companions to Canadian Literature, Children's Literature, Shakespeare, the Bible and American Politics. You can also read the Grove Encyclopedia series focusing on art, music and architecture.

Video Guide



Reading and research tools for Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 3. Learn about exciting topics like Animals and Science. Includes text, audio, video and printable activities.



Full-colour, full-page images of over 6,000 magazines and newspapers from 120 countries in 60 languages..  Magazines include popular titles as well as business and current affairs.  Archives of up to 60 days are available as well as today's papers.  Advanced features include automated translation and the ability to listen to articles. 

Includes the Globe and Mail, National Post, Toronto Star, and many more Canadian and international titles. Does not include eBooks.

Note:  Globe & Mail is only accessible through PressReader at the Library.  The publisher does not permit remote access to this title.

Getting Started Guide | Printable Guide

Primary Search


Online access to more than 70 popular elementary school magazines along with the American Heritage Children's Dictionary and an image collection.

RCI - Canadian news in 7 languages


Read news from CBC / Radio-Canada in 7 different languages - Punjabi, Arabic, Spanish, Tagalog, Mandarin, English & French.

Salem Press Health e-Books


Detailed reference books on physical health, mental health and diseases.

Includes: Adolescent Health & Wellness, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Magill's Medical Guide, Psychology and Mental Health, Salem Health: Cancer and Salem Health: Nutrition.

Salem Press Literature eBooks


Detailed reference books on genres, series and authors.

Includes: Critical Insights on authors such as Margaret Attwood, Alice Munro and George Orwell. Explorations of series like Hunger Games and Harry Potter. And overviews of genres such as Speculative Fiction and LGBTQ literature.

Settlers Database


An online searchable database containing information about settlers and early residents of Simcoe County as recorded in a number of sources.

Originally named the 'Simcoe County Surname Settlers Database'.

Getting Started Guide

Open provides news and information to the communities in Simcoe County and Grey-Bruce. includes content from the Barrie Advance as well as other area newspapers. The search on this website also includes articles from the Barrie Examiner from approximately 2012 until its closure in November 2017.

If you are looking for Canadian obituaries, you can search by city and date at


In Library Only

Create professional maps and reports using demographic, business and marketing data. SimpyAnalytics has the data you need to answer key research questions, make sound business decisions and understand the socio-demographic and economic conditions of any area in Canada. Now includes COVID-19 Outbreak - Canada 2020 data.

Getting Started Guide | Printable Guides

Note:  The Publisher has provided temporary 24/7 remote access due to disruptions caused by COVID-19. We recommend a laptop or computer to access this database. 



Steps to Justice


Clear, simple, step-by-step answers to common legal problems for Ontarians. You can find free legal clinics and definitions of legal terms. Live chat and email support is also available.

Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) and other legal groups in Ontario contribute to this resource.

For local legal services check the Information Barrie Community Database.

Tech Life Unity


Free articles and blogs to help you learn how to use popular websites and apps like Facebook, Netflix and Amazon.

Teen Health and Wellness


Nonjudgmental self-help support for middle and high school students. Topics include diseases, drugs, alcohol, nutrition, mental health, suicide, bullying, LGBTQ+ issues, and more.

See the Hotlines webpage or mobile app for confidential and professional help.

Getting Started Guide



A collection of over 1,000 Graphic Novels, enhanced novels with full audio narration and highlighted text, eBooks, classic literature, drama and poetry. Also has National Geographic videos, educator resources and audiobooks. Aimed at Grades 7 – 12, available online, 24/7.

Getting Started Guide

Mobile Apps (Android or iOS)

Toronto Star Historical Newspapers


Full page images of the Toronto Star from 1894 - three years from the present date. Easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.

Getting Started Guide

Transparent Language


Learn a language! Build your vocabulary, practice skills and maintain what you have learned with Transparent Language Online, available anytime, anywhere in 110+ languages.

Getting Started Guide

Tumble Biblio Enfants


Elle inclut des livres pour enfants, des romans jeunesse, des romans classique, des vidéos, des casse têtes et jeux, des nouvelles graphiques et des livres en d’autres langues comme en espagnol et en anglais.

TumbleBook Library


A collection of eBooks, eAudiobooks, puzzles and videos for kids in Grades K – 6. Includes early reader chapter books, children's classics and National Geographic videos.

Available in English, French and Spanish.

Getting Started Guide

TVO Learn


TVO's online resources to support Ontario's students in school, at home or through online learning.
Resources for K-12, compatible with the Ontario curriculum. Includes lessons, games and videos.

Some learning activities require guided instruction from an adult or teacher.

Universal Class


Hundreds of online courses for continuing education and personal development. Learn at your own pace whenever and wherever it’s convenient for you, and get help from certified instructors.

Getting Started Guide


Your Legal Rights


Free, practical, and easy-to-find legal information produced by hundreds of organizations across Ontario.

Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) and other legal groups in Ontario contribute to this resource.

For local legal services check the Information Barrie Community Database.

SimplyAnalytics is Only Available in the Library during Open Hours. Please access SimplyAnalytics from inside the library at this time.

SimplyAnalytics is Only Available in the Library during Open Hours. Please access SimplyAnalytics from inside the library at this time.