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COVID-19 is increasingly becoming more difficult to mitigate, as more cases have been rising. In the midst of this, I am happy that I was able to complete a project that helped at least partially mitigate the virus for someone. Back in August, I was fortunate to receive grant funding, though an organization called TakingITGlobal, to be able to make 500 face cloth masks for the staff at Grove Park Home, and Simcoe Manor Beeton. The staff at the retirement/long-term care homes have a limited supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). So, by doing this project, it gives them some equipment to reduce the risk of catching the virus. I used the funding to buy materials like cotton fabric, small packaging bags, and carbon filters, and equipment like sewing machines and irons, to help create and store the masks and ensure that it is effective. I was able to compile a group of volunteers to help me with the mask production process, which consisted of folding and sewing the fabric with elastic string, sanitizing the masks with some water to make them nice and crisp, and packaging the masks with carbon filters so it is ready for delivery. I had a great time working with my volunteers as they were equally dedicated as me, and was able to complete the project in two months due to our dedication. Plus, I provided them with masks, and hand sanitizers, to ensure we take safety measures.

In such difficult circumstances, being able to complete my project was a valuable experience for me, especially since it helped others in the process. If you want to launch your own community service project to help mitigate COVID-19, here is the link to the site where I applied for my grant:

#RisingYouth is an initiative made by TakingITGlobal to help young people take action to serve their community through youth-led grants that range from $250 to $1500. A world with COVID-19 is scary, and these small projects that respond to the pandemic help reduce the risks surrounding the virus one step at a time. I hope everyone does similar projects!



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