Descendants 2 is a coming-of-age musical Disney movie directed by Kenny Ortega. It is the sequel to the first Descendants movie. Following the events of the previous movie Mal (Dove Cameron) and Ben (Mitchell Hope) are planning to have a dinner in which she cooks him his favourite meal. As the two are getting ready Mal tells Evie (Sofia Carson) about how she misses the life they had in the Isle of the Lost but Evie just dismisses her and tells her how wonderful it is that they get to live in Auradon in luxury. During the dinner Mal and Ben end up arguing about Mal using spells to complete everyday tasks and how that spellbokk is dangerous. Mal ends up storming off and takes a motorcycle to the Isle of the Lost. The VK's and Ben make an irrational decision and follow Mal in hopes of bringing her back. I would give this movie 4 out of 5 stars because it showcased lots of great musical pieces that helped strengthen the story and their journey. The characters in the movie had great dialogue that helped make the comedy and hilarious points in the movie more memorable. I would recommend this movie to anyone of all ages. It is a movie that can be enjoyed by both the youth and adults, although a younger audience would find it more appealing, given that the movie is geared towards that audience. It is still a great movie that I recommend everyone to watch.
Descendants 2
Reviewed by Liel
May 17
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