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Novel: Under the Iron Bridge 

Author: Kathy Kacer

Name and Grade: Muskan, (Grade 11)

Rating: 5/5

"God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers." -DeMarcus Cousins. Under The Iron Bridge, one of the perfect books to help young adults understand what WW1 was about. Paul Ritter was a pressured, strong & brave soldier. 1938 in Dusseldorf Germany; Paul’s friends, classmates and teachers are pushing him to join the Hitler Youth Group. Although, the role consists of exactly what Paul is against. Under pressure from the lenses of the way his classmates and teachers view him, Paul joins the Hitler Youth Group only to find he has to do the most cruel, unethical, psychotic and disturbing things to Jewish people, regardless of if they have done anything wrong. This wrongful duty makes him do wrongful things even to his close friend, Anailia, who just happens to be Jewish. With terrifying nights, Paul would stay up knowing that what he's doing is wrong. Until Paul had seen a glimpse of change. Paul had gone to the beach, where he and his friend Analia, would cherish special moments. Paul had heard music, and it was not of an ordinary kind. It was the strumming beats of the Edelweiss Pirates. Paul had to find out what the Edelweiss Pirates were. Once Paul found out, he wanted to join the Edelweiss Pirates. Even knowing that if he joined this club challenging Hitler’s ideology, he would be putting everything on the line. His family, his life, the Edelweiss Pirates members life, and if one person finds out about what Paul is doing. It'll be the end. For all.


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