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Magnus Chase and the Hammer of Thor

By: Rick Riordan

Reviewed by Nila, Grade 10 

Rating: 4/5


The book Magnus Chase and the Hammer of Thor is a very fun and engaging read. This book had amazing representation and diversity. We see even more of Samirah al Abbas (Sam) and her connection to her religion. Sam is a Muslim character in the Norse world but also believes fully in Allah. Her religion plays a large part in this series, with her prayers even being mentioned throughout this book. We are also introduced to Alex Fierro in this book, the very first genderfluid character in his series. There was an instant introduction to their he/him/she/her pronouns with characters referring to Alex with different pronouns as mentioned by Alex. Alex’s identity was fully accepted by the other characters. The plot and worldbuilding in this book was done extraordinarily well, expanding on to what was established in the first book. Readers return to Magnus’ witty sense of humour and quips in this book, as even more character development is established. It was very fun to see Magnus make mistakes, scream in certain situations, and suck at sword fighting. There is no semblance of second book syndrome, as this book is just as action-packed, if not more, than the first book. Readers are in for a treat with dynamic character growth, new characters to cherish, epic adventures, suspense and of course a cliffhanger ending! Overall I would highly recommend this book to anyone who likes fantasy and wants an immersive read. 


Thanks for your time, 

Nila Krishnamurthy


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