Read Alongs

Wonderbooks are regular print books with permanently attached audio players that provide a fun and interactive read-along experience.

Each Wonderbook has two modes that you can toggle between: a Read-Along mode and a Learning mode. Read-Along mode reads the pages aloud and prompts with a chime noise when it's time to flip the page. When the book is finished, you can flip to Learning mode for fun open-ended questions to keep your child talking about the book they just read.

At this time, our Wonderbook collection is focused on picture books, and Wonderbooks are available at all our library locations.

How to Borrow 

Wonderbooks can be borrowed for up to three weeks at a time, and can be renewed as long as there are no Holds on that item. Limit of two Wonderbooks and/or Launchpads per cardholder. You can place any Wonderbook titles on hold and choose to pick your items up at any Barrie Public Library location

There are no age restrictions connected with the Wonderbooks or Launchpads, so every family member – no matter how young – can borrow these items on their own library card!

How to Return

Wonderbooks can be returned to any Barrie Public Library location, either in branch or through an external return slot. While we no longer have late fees, if the item is damaged or lost a replacement fee of $55 will be charged to the borrower's account. 

Please note: Due to the attached circuitry in the audioplayer, Wonderbooks are only available in the library locations and not in self-serve library kiosks. All Wonderbooks need to be returned to a library location and not to a kiosk.

Wonderbook FAQs       

  • A Wonderbook requires only one hour to charge fully from a dead battery (micro USB)
  • A flashing red light indicates a low battery and one hour or less of remaining play time left
  • A flashing green light indicates the Wonderbook is in pause mode
  • A solid green light indicates the Wonderbook is in play/active mode
  • Wonderbooks will turn off automatically after 4 minutes of inactivity
  • Press and hold the Power button for 15 seconds to do a hard reset
  • Picture Book versions of Wonderbooks can typically offer 85-95 plays on a single charge