Car Diagnostics Reader

Did the check engine light turn on? Do you know there’s something wrong, but you have no idea what? Figure out what is going on with your vehicle or check the health of your battery using a Car Diagnostic Reader from the library.

Using an OBD scanner or battery tester can help prepare you for decisions on how to proceed with ongoing maintenance, repairs, or the purchase or sale of a vehicle.  Make use of the Car Diagnostic Reader along with other online resources available through Barrie Public Library!

The Foxwell NT301 Plus (OBD2 Scanner & Batter Tester) offers the following features:

  • Diagnose and clear check engine light
    • Built in DTC content to understand specific engine faults
  • Assess battery health
    • Read battery voltage
    • Charging systems test
    • Detect bad cells and overall condition
  • Review emission status
  • Compatible with 12V standard OBD2 vehicles from 1996 to present
  • Offers content in multiple languages


How to Borrow 

Car Diagnostic Readers can be borrowed for up to one week. Limit of two “Library of Things” items per card holder. You can place a Car Diagnostic Reader on hold and choose to pick it up at any Barrie Public Library location


How to Return

Car Diagnostic Readers can be returned to any Barrie Public Library location during library hours of operation. While we no longer have late fees, if the item is damaged or lost a replacement fee of $166 will be charged to the borrower's account. 


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